5 Simple Recipes – Day Four

Lemon Pickle My simple lemon pickle is easy to make and goes great with pâté, smoked fish and most seafood. What you need 8 lemons 2 dessert spoons of salt 1 tea spoon of grated ginger 300ml malt vinegar 700g sugar 2 tea spoons of horseradish What you do Cut the...

5 Simple Recipes – Day Three

Lemon & Lime Posset For those who don’t cook, or won’t cook, this has to be the simplest of any dessert I know. If you can boil cream (and don’t think you have to put it in a kettle!), this is a simple, easy to make dessert to grace any dinner...

5 Simple Recipes – Day Two

Mushroom Sauce This simple sauce is great with pan-fried salmon, chicken, steak, pork or most white fish. What you need 2 shallots 1 glass of sweet Vermouth 350ml whipping cream Quarter bottle of fruity or sweet white wine 300g button mushrooms 2 teaspoons chopped...

5 Simple Recipes – Day One

Marmite Butter Today’s simple recipe is Marmite butter, a delicious accompaniment to steak or grilled fish that’s easy to make – though you’ll either love it or hate it! What you need 1 dessert spoon of Marmite 125g butter What you do Mix the...

Tips and tricks for the Kitchen – Day Five

Poaching the perfect egg. Ask five different chefs and you’ll get five different answers. I think the golden rule is not to put salt into your water as it will break down the egg. Adding vinegar is certainly important. Then there are a number of different techniques....